Penny Stocks for Dummies Guide to Success!

This is your 0-60 in three seconds flat how to trade Penny Stocks for Dummies Guide!  Well, it'll probably take you a bit longer than three seconds, but this guide will be well worth every minute and it is absolutely free!

By the time you've completed our free beginners guide, you'll be more knowledgeable than 90% of all pure penny stock traders.  Statistically speaking that is how many traders lose money with OTC Stocks. 

Not to mention, we've read enough message boards to know that most traders on the OTC have very little knowledge about how this game works! 

On average nearly a Billion dollars trades in and out of the OTC Markets each day and if you want your piece of that pie, then you'd better learn the rules fast! 

This is a high risk, but very high reward market and every single trading day at least one stock doubles in value...Our goal is to help you find as many of them as possible BEFORE they make their move!

Once you've mastered this Penny Stocks for Dummies Guide and you know how to find and research these hot stocks we hope that you'll share your picks with us,
so we can all profit together!

What is a Penny Stock?

Before we move into the guide, let's be clear on what a penny stock is according to StocksA' ... We only cover pure penny plays!  Only stocks trading for under a dollar and only trading on the OTC Markets (or soon to be), this would also include sub penny plays as well.

This may change at some point in the future to include stocks up to $2 and possibly Nasdaq, but for now a penny stock is literally trading for pennies or less!

That being said, the information you'll learn in the Penny Stocks for Dummies Guide can be applied to higher priced stocks as well, but all references will be for our targeted $1 or under plays.

Why do we focus on stocks only trading under a $1?  Well, because we like stock charts that look like this:

penny stocks chart

If you like the looks of that chart and massive gains over relatively short periods of time are what you want, then you're going to want to learn how to trade penny stocks and there is no better place to start than with our free guide!

Penny Stocks for Dummies
Lesson Plan

Below is a list of all the lessons covered in our How to Trade Penny Stocks for Dummies Guide...As you move through the guide, you'll find these in the column on the right side of the website...

Lesson 1:
What is a Penny Stock
Not just what they are, but learn some key fundamentals that you must know in order to be a successful trader!  This section may not be "sexy," but this is essential stuff to know.

Lesson 2:
We're not trading big board stocks here, so income statements, balance sheets and cash flow analysis are not as big a factor, but there are some key numbers you'll want to look for.

Lesson 3:
SEC Forms
These forms can tell you a lot about a company, where it's been, where it's going and most importantly when the right form hits it's BOOM time and the share price explodes.

Lesson 4:
The Best Penny Stock Brokers
Learn what brokers cater to penny traders and who has the best platforms for trading OTC stocks.  In addition, we'll cover how to buy penny stocks, set sells, limits and stop loss orders.

Lesson 5:
Risk vs. Reward
Trading penny stocks is a high risk game, but the rewards certainly make it worth it...Here we'll take a look at what makes stocks make big moves on the OTC markets and what to look for to spot the scams and pitfalls to avoid a devastating hit to your account.

Lesson 6:
Trading Resources and Software
There are some essential resources and software that you'll need to be aware of in order to crush the market and we'll cover some of the most important ones here...without these this would simply be a course on how to trade penny stocks blindfolded!

Lesson 7:
Stock Promoters
You may have heard the term pump and dump before, which is usually referred to as a bad thing, but it's not bad if you know how to play them...In fact, they can be extremely profitable!

Lesson 8:
Stock Trading Strategy
What type of stock trader do you want to be, or are you now?  Take a look at some different styles for trading, pick one you like and master it!  There are many ways to trade profitably.

Lesson 9:
How to Find Them
Let's take a look at some strategies for finding penny stocks, the good ones that many traders call hidden gems!

How to Buy Them
Now that you know how to find them, let's see how to buy penny stocks with some easy methods that are great for 20-50% regular, weekly gains.

We hope you enjoy our Penny Stocks for Dummies Guide and you learn to become a very profitable trader.  Don't forget to come on back and share your hidden gems in our Penny Stocks to Watch list and get your stock MAXimum exposure so we can all profit together...

› for Dummies Guide

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